
April 2014 Personal Goals and March Achievements #2014Goals


Each month, I’ve been blogging about my progress in achieving my 2014 personal goals. Getting my goals down on my blog helps me focus on what I want to accomplish and at the end of the month, check my progress against what I set out to do.  It helps me stay accountable and motivated to achieve my 2014 personal goals.

March was a busy month and in the blink of an eye it seemed to have gone.  Looking back at my original goals, there are a lot of items I did not accomplish, but I gotta admit, there was a lot of fun thrown into March instead! Here are some of my March achievements:

      • Kids and I planted our container garden during the unpredictable March weather. We already lost our tomatoes due to a frost but the flowers, lettuce, rosemary and strawberries are thriving.
      • Kept paperwork filed and organized, I did not let it pile up (like I normally do).
      • Finished 2 books I already own, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (a 700 page book) and Easy SEO for Bloggers.
      • Read books with my kids too, about 2 a day.
      • Using my weekly planner to focus and accomplish my weekly goals, it’s really been helping me!
      • 17 blog posts (that might be my record in a month!) I’ve been working hard on the blog this month!
      • Participated in Spring 2014 Bloggiesta, a weekend dedicated to working on our blogs. It was at the start of Spring Break but I was able to accomplish some of my goals before we left.
      • Threw a fantastic fun Lego Superhero Birthday outside despite the cold weather threat.
      • Spring Break went off without a hitch! Florida, 2 amusement parks we had not been to before, the beach and catching up with friends and family we had not seen in years!

So now we can say Goodbye March and …hello April! Uh yea, some of my goals are still carried over from the prior month, seriously need to tackle these kid’s clothes and kitchen! I’ve been enjoying sharing my journey towards achieving my goals with you…one small victory at a time!

1. Make exercise a priority, 4 times a week.
2. Floss, everyday…because Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) impacts my gums, I can’t afford to slack anymore!
3. Achieve my goal for ideal weight, the one my joints feel the best at. As of today, about 7 5 to lose – avoid sugar!
4. Track food, sleep, exercise and RA symptoms to better understand if there is a connection to foods I eat and RA. I know weather, hormones and stress impact my body already.
5. Drink more water, at least 64 ounces a day.

Home Organization
6. Tackling the kitchen first. This month I’d STILL like to get my recipes organized, both the gazillions I’ve clipped from magazines, cookbooks and online. I’m considering using Evernote or Evernote Food. What are your favorite recipe organizing tools?
7. Sell outgrown kids’ clothes.
8. Pick a paint color for the kitchen!

Family Fun

9. One field trip/fun outing a week with Daredevil.
10. Decide about preschool for Daredevil.
11. Finish planting our container garden, hot peppers, bell peppers and tomatoes are needed.


10. Accomplish 2 items from my 50 Bookish Things to do Before I Die list.
11. Read 2 books I own.
12. Read 25 books with my kids.

13. Write more often and consistently – 30 minutes everyday.
14. Share more recipes!
15. Increase monthly pageviews by 1,000.
16. Spend more time on Google Analytics.

17. Save $300 towards my $1000 annual goal in groceries.
18. Stay within our budget.
19. Stay debt-free (besides mortgage).

What are your April 2014 personal goals? Share with me the tools that help you get organized or save you money! Be sure to link up your goals posts or achievements in the linky below. Thanks Tammy at Creative K Kids for sharing this linky and inspiring us to reach our goals..one small victory at a time!

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  1. Great post! I am truly happy for you. You seem like an awesome woman and mom. I am now inspired to do something similar since I seem to do well at setting goals for myself however often fall short of achieving as much as I would like too.
    Thank you for sharing 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for the link love Jen!! I know its an adjustment when your schedule changes especially when you pick up more hours. But it sounds like you are happy about the promotion and opportunity and I am happy for you. I worked full time for a long time and hardly had time to blog, but I find like I have less and less time staying home too. It’s hard finding that ideal balance. Thanks again for reading and the feature, I appreciate your support.

    1. Thanks for hosting the StumbleUpon linkup Mandy. It is definitely a social media that I need to use more often. One day last week, I tripled my usual page views just because one of my posts stumbled well I guess 🙂

    1. Yes they are! Getting a couple other things read while my friend catches up in goblet of fire. Order of the Phoenix is 900 pages, might take our book club all summer to get through it. Thanks for commenting!

  2. You are rocking friend! Sorry I haven’t been as involved. With FB flipping out on us I haven’t see your posts. I need to go in and switch on notifications on all the blogs I love.

  3. Those are great! I’ve noticed you’ve been blogging a lot, but that’s an incredible jump in page views! Good for you! I just did my youngest daughter’s clothes yesterday–4 more to go :/. The three oldest are easier though.

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