Be Our Guest Fridays {28}: 6 Things I’ll Miss About My 4 Month Old Baby
It’s been awhile but happy to have a guest blogger to feature this week. If you’d like to be a guest blogger, leave me a comment and we’ll see if we are a good fit for each other.
Welcome to Be Our Guest Fridays!
Be Our Guest Fridays is a weekly feature where I feature guest posts by my favorite bloggers and authors. I started this feature as a fun way to give back to the blogging community. I am excited to share with you these creative, inspiring and knowledgeable bloggers.
Today I have the pleasure to introduce you to The Conservative Mommy, a brand new blogger who blogs from anything from couponing and frugal living to identifying substance abuse in your teen. Please welcome The Conservative Mommy and for you mommies out there, grab your nearest baby before you read this! 🙂
(Photo credit: Free Digital Photos Net – Patrisyu)
Things I’ll Miss About My 4 Month Old
It has been so amazing to watch the development of my once newborn. She is a little person. We see temperament and personality traits expand and become exposed through her interactions and reactions with the environment around her. She learns new motions and mimics new responses every day.
Likewise, I look forward to her growth and increased abilities. I get excited for crawling and walking and eating and talking. As I worked to keep her still for her “five month photo” this morning I thought about all the things I know I am going to miss.
Here they are:
1. The small stuff.
She is so attentive to the small stuff; the tag on a toy, her fingers moving in the air above her head, the colors in a new place, etc. It really helps us slow down as adults, rewind, and appreciate the little things.
2. Smell.
Oh, the sweet smell of baby. As she nuzzles on my chest under my chin for her nap I inhale deeply and take in her sweet aroma. I know as she gets older that smell will fade with the naptime snuggles.
3. Little clothes.
Yes, the little clothes. Oh, and the little shoes too. How adorable? They just keep getting bigger…not to mention that she wears her wardrobe for only a month or so. I already miss her wardrobe from 3 months ago. So, I know I will miss her little clothes and her little shoes too.
4. Laughs.
Her sweet little laugh. She thinks I’m funny! The faces I make, my smile, my games, my dance moves (see item 5), etc… it’s all funny to her. Her open mouthed, wide-eyed, gummy, baby giggle is absolutely contagious.
5. She likes the way I dance.
I know that one day my dance moves will be met with the embarrassment of a pre-adolescent girl but for now she is fascinated with my dance moves and…. I’m loving it.
6. Perfect snuggle.
How is it that her body fits perfectly on my chest like a intricately designed mold? Together we have the perfect cuddle. I’m aware that she will grow out of our perfect mold and mom snuggle times.
About The Conservative Mommy

The Conservative Mommy has her Master of Social Work with a career working with substance using adolescents, behavioral concerns in children, attachment parenting, and training of professionals. After almost a decade of counseling children and families, she is now a mommy! The Conservative Mommy wants to talk to you about all things mommy; from instilling values in your little one to making tough parenting decisions to setting an example in your everyday living!
Join The Conservative Mommy daily at her blog, on Facebook and on Pinterest.
Oh I need a baby to snuggle, like NOW! My kids are all past the baby stage but we were looking at our old photo albums from when they were born and thought I had cool dance moves too. Oh how I miss those gleeful, belly laughs and snuggling.
This post linked up with Mommy Monday Blog Hop.
What do you miss about the baby stage? I miss ALL of these! Let us know in the comments!
Awwww I do miss all of these things!!!! Wahhhh! 🙁 We’re at 8 months. They just grow too fast.
Aww, my oldest is 13 and I can hardly believe it. Why do they have to grow so fast!?!?
What a nice tribute to their small baby. I know with Baby Boy now being 2, there are definitely things I miss about his younger and smaller days. Interestingly enough, there are things I already miss about him only being 1. And now with a new baby on the way, it’ll be wonderful to share all those little things not just with Hun, but with Baby Boy too! 🙂
That was a nice guest post. I just miss having a baby in my life, they have all grown up. All the things you mention are still vivid in my mind.
Thanks for sharing these precious moments with us.
Yes it is very sweet. I miss snuggly babies too that fit perfectly on my chest. When I get stressed, listening to my kids’ heartbeats helps soothe me and calm down. They are growing too fast!
Oh yes, I so miss the the smell of a baby!! (except the poopy diapers) #SmallVictoriesSunday
I agree on both counts! Thanks for stopping by Jessie and linking up with us.
I miss all those things since my din us 13 years old… but the baby smell i miss the most
I miss all of those things, too, but I miss the snuggling the most!
Aww…this makes me miss the newborn phase. I have three little ones (6, 2, and 18 months). I never thought I would be that mom who said, “They grow up so fast”–and yet here I am! Tanya, I would love to write a guest post. I write about faith, family, and frugal living over at The Orthodox Mama.
Hi Sarah, I never thought I’d be that mom either but I blinked and now my oldest starts high school this year. Basically next 4 years are panic mode for me as he nears graduation and leaving home. I sent you the guest post requirements in an email, I would love to have you as my guest!
Oh I really enjoyed this! It revives in memory those irreplaceable moments with my daughter decades ago and makes me anticipate, all the more happily, what my daughter now has in store to enjoy in her own newborn!