Guest Posts

Guest posts for my weekly feature Be Our Guests Friday where I feature posts from  my favorite bloggers and authors.

Enjoying the Holidays with Fibromyalgia: 10 Ways to Reduce Flares and Stress by Being Fibro Mom, guest post for Mom's Small Victories. Don't let your chronic illness like Fibromyalgia or Rheumatoid Arthritis, stop you from celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year with your family and friends. These 10 simple tips can help you reduce stress, prevent flares and enjoy the holidays!
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Enjoying the Holidays with Fibromyalgia Guest Post by Being Fibro Mom

    I’m happy to have Brandi from Being Fibro Mom as our guest blogger today to share with us her ideas about Enjoying the Holidays with Fibromyalgia and 10 Ways to Reduce Flares and Stress. Brandi endures fibromyalgia, a chronic illness that causes chronic pain, is a mom of 4 beautiful kids and has…

Career Opportunities in Blogging. How one blogger found unexpected opportunities in her blog and you can too...if you look!
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Be Our Guest Fridays {43}: Career Opportunities in Blogging from The Book Wheel

  “The only way to do great work is to do what you love.” This quote from Steve Jobs inspires us to follow our passion when choosing a career path. For me and so many other bloggers, blogging is our passion.  I am inspired by the fortunate bloggers who have turned their hard work and love for blogging…

The Up Side of Throw Up: 10 Tips to SAVE your SANITY when your kids are sick by Guest Blogger Crazy to Clear.
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Be Our Guest Fridays {41}: 10 Tips to Save Your Sanity When Your Kids Are Sick by Crazy to Clear

“My tummy hurts.” Stomach viruses. Every parent’s nightmare. One kid brings home the dreaded stomach virus and soon the whole house is quarantined and on lockdown. It’s hard to save our sanity when our kids are sick but is there an up side to the throw up?  I’m happy to bring you Jennie from Crazy to Clear. Jennie reached…

My Journey with Chronic Illness by My Fruitful Home. Tanya shares her loss, the stress and the events that triggered her fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Sharing our stories helps raise awareness for chronic illnesses and helps fellow patients cope and thrive with chronic illness.
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Be Our Guest Fridays {39}: My Journey with Chronic Illness by My Fruitful Home

I always like to hear about fellow patients’ journeys with chronic illness. It helps us learn from each other and raise awareness about how our chronic illnesses started and how it impacts our lives.  Today I’m happy to share with you my blogging friend and name twin Tanya from My Fruitful Home. Tanya interviewed me…

5 ways to add fitness to your life. Simple tips and tricks to sneak exercise into your day and stay motivated to exercise.
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Be Our Guest Fridays {38}: 5 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Life by Fit Triangle Mom

What are your roadblocks to daily exercise? For me, time, motivation and limited energy from Rheumatoid Arthritis prevent me from exercising every day. I’m not going to be signing up for boot camps or marathons anytime soon and need simple ways I can sneak exercise into my day until it becomes a must-do habit. So I’m happy…