Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon – April 2014


About Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon

Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon is here! Starting Saturday April 26, 2014 at 8am EST and ending Sunday, April 27, 2014 at 8am. Unlike our college all-nighters, reading textbooks, during Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon, we read that we want! In addition to the sheer adrenaline rush of attempting the impossible, the 24 hour readathon also offers mini challenges and the fun of meeting hundreds of other book lovers from all over the world! Last year I was a cheerleader and reader. I loved cheering other readers on towards reaching their goals, seeing the snacks they used to fuel their reading, and getting some good book recommendations.  I think I even won a couple prizes!

Click here for more info about Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon and join us for the fun! They even have articles on how to make the 24 hour readathon go smoother, including a Readathon Survival Guide for ParentsReading for Charity, and Short Book Recommendations.

 24-hour-readathon-goalsMy Goals

This year, I am going to concentrate on just reading. I know I can’t read for the full 24 hours but I will read as much as I can, and include reading with the kids in my reading time to help me reach my book bucket list goal of reading 1,000 books with them.

My reading list:

(links to Goodreads)

1. Blown Circuit by Lars Guinard (audiobook) for upcoming blog tour.
2. Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon for my Around the World in 80 Books Reading Challenge – Spain.
3. Read 5 books with the kids.
4. Participate in mini-challenges if possible.
5. Meet 10 new-to-me bloggers.

Dewey’s 24 hour readathon is a lot of fun and a chance to meet so many book lovers, it’s like a big online book club! Join me and the over 600 other participants signed up! Don’t forget to stop by as I update my progress and accomplishments.

I love book blogging events. If you love Dewey’s, I highly recommend signing up for Armchair BEA and being a commenting cheerleader. We need a few good book lovers to cheer on our participants in another fantastic book blogging event coming soon at the end of May!

What’s on your reading list? If you are participating in the 24 hour readathon, leave me a link to your goals/accomplishments posts and I’ll be sure to stop by! When’s the last time you stayed up all night?

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    1. I know what you mean Sue. I did listen to an audiobook during the day some but I totally did not read as much as I wanted. That day is the one Superhubby decided we should work on cleaning the garage. I totally have to take him up on it when he’s in the mood to clean! We got a lot done though. Bout of Books starts 5/12 and that’s a week long. I do much better with week long events too. Hope you join that one, another one of my favorites, fun challenges and twitter chats too. Info in my sidebar, I think.

  1. Wow. I can’t imagine doing that now that you have to be awake and going strong for the kids during the day. however, I have been awake until 4 am a couple of times this week! But I got a small nap the next day too!

    1. Yea, it so didn’t happen. Superhubby wanted to clean the garage so I had to take him up on it! I listened to an audiobook some and was so tired, I only made it 6 whopping minutes past my usual bedtime. Oh well. I won a prize and met a couple bloggers so it’s all good 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  2. *cheers* It’s great that you’re reading with your kids, I hope you’re enjoying your reading and books. I hope you have a fantastic time this readathon, I just wanted to give you a cheer! #TeamMarquez

  3. I’d try, but I could never make it 24 hours! Shadow of the Wind is one of my favorite books. I bet you’ll love it. Good luck!

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