It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

I am linking up with Book Journey today to recap what I read last week and what I am reading and listening to this week.

Last week I Finished

1) Finish What You Start by Craig Copeland in the hopes of overcoming some queen of procrastination issues. You can read my thoughts on the good, the bad and the ugly about the book here.

2) Unenchanted (an Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) by Chandra Hahn. A YA series about fairy tales coming to life. I love the TV series Once Upon a Time and this is similarly suspenseful when the villains come to find the heroine. I look forward to reading more of the series. Once I picked it up, I breezed through it.

This Week I Will Be Reading

1) Secret Lives by Diane Chamberlain. She did a fundraiser for Hurricane Sandy victims and proceeds from the sale of the ebook on Amazon went to Hurricane Sandy Victims. Considering she’s my favorite author, I had no problem supporting her cause.

2) Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult on audiobook.

What are you reading this week? Link up at Book Journey and let us know! Pretty soon it will be time to start the books for the 2013 challenges I have signed up for!

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  1. I could definitely use a book on procrastination right now! I really could have used it when I was in university! Happy reading week!

    1. I know what you mean about needing it while at university! I wish I had more focus and self-discipline to follow through object my goals which seem to change with the wind!

    1. Thanks Lindsey, I didn’t think I would like YA books, but I really do! hope you have a great week too!

    1. I heard the same. I have read or listened to two other Jodi Picoult’s novels and the amount of research and educating she does on her topics is incredible. I just started this one today but am already learning more than I ever have about wolves and their roles in the pack.

      I am part of a small book club also, what are some of your book club’s favorite books? I am always looking for good ideas, some books lend themselves to better discussions though than others. Thanks for visiting, I paid you a visit as well!

    1. Thanks for visiting Tanya. Unenchanted is a fun quick read. Hope you enjoy your reading this week as well. Ya know I can hardly believe all this reading and I have yet to pick up a Christmas book yet this year? Silly me!

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