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My Thanks To My Fellow Bloggers

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are enjoying your holiday with thankful hearts and your friends and family today, whether you are in the U.S. and celebrate Thanksgiving or elsewhere in the world. Today, I’m going to share with you 10Β bloggers for whom I’m thankful. Felicia at Geeky Bloggers Book Blog has done a #30DayofThanks for the last 3 years where everyday she highlights bloggers, books and authors she’s thankful for. On this Thanksgiving, I thought I would join along, not only for book bloggers but for other bloggers who have made a difference in my life over the past year.

The Book Bloggers

A Month of Giving Thanks

Because Fantasy is More Fun is hosting a Month of Giving Thanks for us to share our favorite book bloggers, I’ll cover them first. What can I say about book bloggers? I find that as a niche, the book blogging community is particularly supportive. They are quick to comment, share posts, and jump into events and ideasΒ whole-heartedly. Their passion and enthusiasm for books is contagious and I have them to blameΒ thank for my growing passion for reading this past year. Holy Moly, it was hard to narrow down this list for you.

1. & 2. Becca from Lost in Books and Savvy from Savvy Working Gal. I was surprised and thrilled that they both eagerly agreed to co-host our Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge with me. We share a love for reading about other cultures and it’s been beyond amazing getting to know these fantastic ladies over the past year. They helped our Challenge and our first Readathon exceed my wildest expectations.

Becca is a wealth of book and blogging knowledge, I don’t know there’s anything she hasn’t read, heard of or done. She runs several blogs and the Book Bloggers Do it Better G+ group so I was amazed she had time to fit my challenge into her schedule. Thanks Becca for being totally awesome, always a cheerleader and bright light when we talk.

Everytime I talk to Savvy, I find even more things we have in common. I feel like we are long lost friends. She’s the expert on nonfiction and I love her discussions on finances, career interviews and tips for helping professional women. Thanks Savvy for being someone I can talk to about my professional concerns, my desire to travel and anything under the sun.

3. It’s no surprise that my top book blogging commenter is Sue from Book by Book and Live with ME/CFS. Sue and I share a love for books and cooking but we both endure and thrive with chronic illnesses that interfere with our daily lives. Her weekly reading updates include what her husband and her two sons (teen and college age) are reading too. A family of bookworms, I love it! Thanks Sue for your understanding, encouraging words and for sharing your family’s love of reading with me.

4. Lucy from Fictional100 and Northern Lights Reading Project has been one of my biggest cheerleaders lately. She always has a kind comment whether it’s on my blog, on Facebook but especially on Twitter. Thanks Lucy for making my day with every tweet and visit. I’m glad the reading challenge brought us together and hope we’ll be bloggy friends for years to come.

5. Kimba from Caffeinated Book Reviewer. Kim is like my blogging idol. Not only does she go through books like water, she writes amazing reviews, blogging tips and has a fantastic community on her Sunday Post linkup. She has hundreds of commenters on every post and every time I visit, she replies to my comment and visits me back! I’ve told her so many times I don’t know how she does it (and she has RA like me). Thanks Kim for making us little bloggers feel special and sharing your blogging wisdom with us!

7. Tanya from Girl XOXO is one cool blogger. She’s the first blogger who reached out to me offline and was a great sounding board to bounce new ideas off of. Besides writing about books, she creates the sleekest photos for her blog, cocktail recipes and includes our events and blogging tips in the Book Bloggerista News she does for Parajunkee. If you haven’t seen, she is co-hosting A Month of Favorites where there’s a writing prompt each day. Write, linkup and enter to win their giveaways! Thanks Tanya for being my style and tech icon and the one who gets me thinking outside the box.

Mom Bloggers

8. Rachel from Fit Triangle Mom has always been such a wonderful supporter and commenter on my blog since we “met” through a local Facebook blogging group. A fellow boy mom, a reader and aspiring writer, Rachel inspires me to stay positive and makes me want to get back into better shape. Thanks Rachel for your support and enthusiasm, I can always count on your for a kind word and I can’t wait to meet you next month!

9. Andrea from Good Girl Gone Redneck is another blogging idol of mine. Besides her own blog, she writes and hosts Twitter chats for The SITS Girls. She also set up a Facebook group for those of us participating in NaBloPoMo to post on our blogs everyday this month. It’s been a tough battle but she’s been cheering us on as we have our good days and our not-sure-I-can-do-this-anymore days. She always has the right words to say to make us feel better and take the stress off. She’s a great writer too, her posts are emotional and to the point and the last one she wrote about Ferguson says it all, doesn’t it? Thanks Andrea for being a calm in the storm in my blogging world. Always knowing the right thing to say to keep me from getting overwhelmed and keep me going. I hope we get to meet someday soon!

10. Alecia from Detours in Life is another amazing blogger: an RA patient, mom and cook, she juggles a couple different blogs, a new job and just launched a Web Design site. Thanks Alecia for being there when I need to talk, your understanding, your blog design help and your delicious recipes. If you can make the recipes, then so can I!


Well this was supposed to be a quick post but I couldn’t help but gush about these wonderful ladies who have helped me this past year. And I could easily rattle off another ten bloggers but NaBloPoMo is not over yet, I’ll save them for another day. I’m thankful for each and every one of you bloggers and dear readers and I hope you enjoy a relaxing holiday full of love, fun and laughter.

Which bloggers are you thankful for? Be sure to tell me in the comments and leave me a link to their blog so I can visit! May you and your families have a day full of love, gratitude and thanks!Β 


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  1. Thank you so much for including me in your thank you’s. I am thankful for you too. Your Sunday linky is so uplifting and encouraging. I look forward to it every week. I’m looking forward to meeting you in person too!

  2. What a fantastic post! Some familiar blogs but several more I need to go check out now. I know exactly what you’re talking about though – our blogging community is so amazing and gives so much support where I never dreamed to find it! I’m so thankful for all of you! Happy belated thanksgiving!

  3. Tanya I am honored to be included with all of these great bloggers. I have to say if it wasn’t for the Travel the World in Books Challenge I may have quit blogging. I needed a new project. Also, love our conversations and am always amazed at how much work and effort you put into your blog. Wishing you much success in the coming year and hoping to have many more book conversations.

  4. I love this post! So many great bloggers mentioned. I have to say that Andrea is even more amazing in person. I’m so glad to live near her and you’ve made me want to make plans for a girls night out sometime very soon! πŸ™‚ Sue at Book by Book is wonderful as well! She and I have been commenting back and forth for several years now! I need to work on a similar post. There are so many bloggers to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks Julie. I would love to meet Andrea, we keep saying we need to but hopefully one day soon. I live near you all too πŸ™‚ In fact, I should have asked if you wanted to join my IRL book club. We are reading the last book of the Harry Potter series now and we bring our kids to the meeting so they can talk about it with us too. I would love to meet you too.

      I think I need a follow up post to finish off my thanks, I got too sleepy to finish!

      1. I’d love the info on the IRL book club! I mentioned it to my son. He read that book a while ago but I’ve never read any of the HP books. (hides head in shame) Do you always read books that our kids could read and discuss too?

        1. I added you to our IRL book club group on Facebook, we are having trouble nailing down a date to meet in Dec. Our kids have all read Harry Potter before so they can reread it if they want to. We are pretty lax, we talk about the book for a little while and then usually just chat, then hit Barnes & Noble for dessert and book browsing till it closes πŸ™‚ I had printed up games that kept us all entertained too. We are a small group, been together for maybe 2 years now. We started doing the Harry Potter series because initially it was us moms trying to get a night off from the kids. But because of schedules and activities, it was getting harder for people to come. So we just decided to read and discuss something kids could participate in if they are there (ones that attend are 13, 12, 10 and 3). Harry Potter is the first series we have read, not sure what we will do when we are done with it. I’d like to let the kids pick their own books to talk about and moms do our own but not sure what other moms want to do. Kids have been wanting us to read Percy Jackson series next. The two oldest bookworms have already read that too, they are just trying to catch us moms up πŸ™‚ It doesn’t matter to me, I’ll read whatever group wants. I hadn’t read the HP series either but it’s been fun. I have enjoyed it and getting kids perspective too. My oldest and I had fun creating puzzles for the group so hopefully we can do that again or find other ways to have fun with the books. Hope you can join us!

  5. Oh my goodness. I’m trying not to get choked up, how sweet are you?

    Thank you, Tanya. Thank you so much. I’m honored to be among your people. You are someone I’m thankful for and GOODNESS ME I hope we can meet sometime soon!! xo

  6. Tanya – thank you so much for your kind words. It made my day and I am thankful for you as well – it’s nice to have someone to talk to when the days are hard and understands how RA makes things so much more difficult. I hope you have a wonderful day with your family and enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  7. I am touched and so grateful for you too, Tanya! Your warm and welcoming personality jumps off the screen in all your words, all you do, as you create community online with such savvy, inspiration, and kindness. I feel so lucky to be a part of it and you have made such a difference in my year. I look forward to your reading choices, your creative ideas, and your recipes! πŸ™‚

    As you suggested, I will mention the names of just a few of the bloggers who brighten my days: Michelle of The True Book Addict (who has plenty of Christmas Spirit going on right now); Jane Greensmith (@JanetGS) of Reading, Writing, Working, Playing (http://janegs.blogspot.com/); Melissa of The Book Binder’s Daughter (http://thebookbindersdaughter.com/); Naomi of xn3art (http://xn3art.wordpress.com/); Judy Clement Wall (http://www.judyclementwall.com/); Emma @wordsandpeace and France Book Tours; Faith Hope & Cherrytea (http://faithhopecherrytea.blogspot.com/); Urban Wife Diaries (http://urbanwifediaries.com/); Annika Ruohonen Photography (https://annikaruohonen.wordpress.com/); and Annie at Trial of Words (http://annieqsyed.com/category/writings/). Oh my, a few quickly grows into a list! Much to be grateful for!!! Thanks again, Tanya, for all the light and love you send out.

    1. Thanks for your wonderful words Lucy and the fantastic list of bloggers to thank. Some of them are new to me but I love Michelle at the True Book Addict too. My list grew very quickly too and after 10, I was having staying awake. I will have to do another list soon!

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