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Just Do It! Sit Down and Write Nov 2015

Sit Down and Write Nov 2015. It's time to write those stories and blog posts that are just dying to get out. Join Stories Inside for Sit Down & Write 7, Nov 2015 #NaNoWriMo #SitDownWrite
Do you have a story inside you want to get out for a book or you blog? Well, now is the time to Sit Down and Write and let it all out!

Seasoned book blogger and writer extraordinaire,  Michelle from The True Book Addict, Seasons Reading and Stories Inside, is hosting the 7th edition of Sit Down and Write.

Here is Michelle’s info about Sit Down and Write:

Whether you are indeed jumping into the fray with me, or you just want to catch up on some blogging or book review writing, declare your intention in the comments section below and add your link to the linky. I’m going to have also have the Mister Linky in the sidebar so you can easily access and post links to any updates. I will also be posting updates here and I encourage you to stop by and chat in the comments, especially those of you doing NaNo. I’m going to need the moral support.

Simple, right? No rules, just write! Whether you’re writing for NaNoWriMo, NaBloPoMo or just trying to catch up on your writing goals like I am, join us to achieve your goals and get encouragement from others.

No wrong, just write! #NaNoWriMo, #NaBloPoMo or catching up? #SitDownWrite @truebookaddict Share on X


Lessons Learned from NaBloPoMo in Nov 2014 & Why I Can’t Do That Again Right Now


After doing NaBloPoMo last November, I learned 7 very valuable lessons about myself and my blog. The boost in traffic was great but it was really hard to keep up (I sort of forgot about things like birthday parties and Thanksgiving festivities when I signed up). I felt like I was writing for speed rather than quality. I met some great bloggers and it was such fun to work with others towards a common goal, it felt like a college all-nighter with my friends.

Now as tempted as I am to undertake NaBloPoMo again this year, I know I’ve got to focus on quality content if I want to achieve my blogging goals. I must blog with purpose and only pursue those opportunities that will help me on my mission. Speed writing will get me nowhere. Quality posts take concise writing and gorgeous photos, both which take me a great deal of time to achieve.

So as sad as I am to not officially join NaBloPoMo, I AM excited that Michelle is hosting this more laid back version, where I can set my own writing goals. There will not be a book at the end of this month but I do hope to bring you more quality posts and branch out in the useful content I hope to provide to you dear readers.

7 Lessons Learned from #NaBloPoMo and Why I CAN'T do that again right now #SitDownWrite Share on X


My Sit Down and Write Nov 2015 Goals

One thing I loved about NaBloPoMo was the exercise of daily writing. Who knew that the girl who never liked to read, much less write is now both an avid reader and writer? Spending time on my gratitude journal, my book journal or writing for my blog all help me wash away the stresses of my daily life with chronic illness.

Writing helps me focus on my small victories. I need it to cope. When I don’t write, the stress builds up in me until I can take pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard once again and change my mindset. 

So my goals for this month are simply to get back to writing. Everyday. I even put Sit Down and Write in my habit tracker for my bullet journal/planner so I remember to write at least 30 minutes everyday.


Another writing tip I got from the SITS Blogging chat last Saturday was this. Simple and effective. As much as I rely on my planner, this should be easy to do!

I hope it will result in more quality blog posts, a more consistent routine and ultimately whittling away at the 100’s of blog post ideas I have not written yet. There are a lot of stories inside my head waiting to be written, I can’t wait to start.

So what do you say? Will you Sit Down and Write with us? Visit Michelle’s Sit Down and Write posts, linkup your goals and be encouraged to tackle those stories inside that are just dying to be written!

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  1. Hey – that was me! That was my SITS tip. 🙂 Yay!!!

    I love these points you’ve made here. They represent so many reminders I need to hold onto. And that’s why even though I’m doing nablopomo this month, I’m not stressing about it. If I miss a day, I miss a day. Moving on – ya know?

    Great post, Tanya.

    1. Yay! I never know who’s behind the SITS Twitter account, glad to see it was you. You always have great ideas Andrea!

      I’m really bad about signing up for challenges and then feeling like I failed them or stressing over it. I’m glad you’re not stressing over it. Heading over to your book post, I hope you’ll link it up with our Small Victories Sunday linkup! Would love to have you join us.

    1. Yay, I hope you do Marina. I always enjoy working together toward a common goal. It’s more fun when you gave encouragement from others going for the same thing as me, it helps me get extra motivation!

  2. Best of luck to you this month!! I’m participating as well, with lots of writing on my plate … papers to finish up my class, blogging, and a new NaNo project!!

    1. Thanks Tif, yay for getting some writing done. Sounds like you have plenty to work on. I look forward to seeing your blog posts and hearing more about your Nano project. Good luck to you as well!

  3. Hi, I’m doing NaBloPoMo for the first time this year. I had just started my blog when I heard about it and it seemed a more doable challenge than NaNoWriMo which I’ve done a few times. Going well so far and I still have a long list of ideas, although some ideas might need more time than I have, so they might have to wait till December.

    1. Hi Judy, good luck with NaBloPoMo. It’s a lot of fun, intense for me but fun. This year might have gone better since now my littlest is in school and I could focus more during the day. I was blogging almost everyday for a readathon we had that ended 10/31 so I needed a break too. I look forward to seeing your posts. Thanks for commenting and stopping by. I hope I can do NaNoWriMo one day.

  4. Hmmm…like you said, I could never commit to a blog post a day, especially in the holiday season, but I have my own writing goals anyway, so this sounds like a fun way to get a little extra motivation. I’ve been doing well this year at getting my freelance writing moving forward again after a few dry years, so I feel like I am on a roll and would like to keep it going!

    Thanks for letting me know!


    Book By Book

    1. Yea, I was ambitious to think I could but it felt great that I actually accomplished it last year. I just won’t do it again. You’ve been inspirational in getting your freelance writing going again. I loved seeing your name in print and thinking, hey I know her! I would love to be able to do freelance writing someday and know speed writing won’t get me there. I do hope you join us!

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