Spring Reading List 2014

Take Control of Your TBR Challengespring reading thing 2014





Happy First Day of Spring! To celebrate the first day of Spring, I thought I would share my Spring Reading List. It was one of my goals this year to focus on reading books I already own, so now is the time to do it with two great reading challenges this month.

Kim from The Caffeinated Book Reviewer is hosting The Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge. Well into the month but it’s still not too late to sign up. Each book read earns you an extra entry in her giveaway at the end of month. Kim is a prolific reader and reviewer, I don’t know how she reads and blogs so much! She hosts the Sunday Post linkup and provides helpful book blogging tips.

Sandra  from The Musing of A Book Addict’s is hosting Spring Reading Thing 2014, a 3 month reading challenge. Post a list of books by March 24th, read what you can and complete a wrap up post by June 24th. If you link up and follow the rules, you’re eligible to win a $20 Amazon gift card. Last year, I won one! Sandra has an inspirational blog, one where she encourages her students to read and review books so I enjoy what books she shares for all grade levels.


Goals – Books to Read:

What I plan to read, subject to change. All links take you to the book description on Goodreads.


Stay tuned for an update!


What’s on your Spring Reading List? Do you read books that are more in the season? Let me know what you are planning to read the next couple months and if you’ve blogged about it, leave me a link so I can visit.

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  1. Hi ! Stopping by from the UBP14~ Those last two on your list sound great. The Harry Potter series is awesome. I just read the first Divergent book and it was pretty good. I wish I had more time to read. Hope you weekend is great!

    1. Divergent was my favorite in the series but I have not read Allegiant yet. Many book bloggers were disappointed in the ending so I haven’t been in a rush to pick it up yet. Reading through Harry Potter has been fun and discussing it with our kids in book club is even more fun! Thanks for stopping by Raquel.

    1. Thanks Alysia. I just finished Easy Seo for bloggers yesterday, it was very short and sweet. But I think I need to get the new version (for $1.99, at least it won’t break the bank), cause the tool she described is not available in quite the same format. Thanks for stopping by. I really need to follow your blog, I always enjoy talking with you but seems we only meet during big events πŸ™‚

    1. Well the first thing it said was to use a keyword tool that isn’t available anymore anonymously. So I am not sure what to use. What do you use to look up good keywords for your posts?

    1. I haven’t heard any negative reviews of this book. I won this book a year ago I think and still haven’t read it! I really need to fix that. πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by and sharing your Spring Reading list too. Heading over…

  2. I’m stopping over from Sitssharefest and I loved Harry Potter as well. Lately I’ve been reading a lot of YA. I’ve fallen in love with John Green, Gayle Foreman, and Rainbow Rowell! You might want to check those authors out as well! πŸ™‚

  3. That looks like a well-balanced list. I could do with a review of some basic blogging too – refreshers are always good. Good luck and enjoy!

  4. I LOVED Where’d You Go Bernadette? It was so funny and original and hit me in the feels. So great.

    And it goes without saying that Harry Potter is awesome.

    I keep trying to only read books that I already own that are on my list but I get so distracted by new shiny books that it;s HARD.

    Good luck to you!

  5. Sometimes, it takes determination to get all those books read. I wonder how some busy moms stick with it! Hope you get through your list!

  6. I read three hours a day every day..LOL I can read a paperback in about three hours, so that is how I do it. Did I mention I am an addict too. Just an FYI I do not host Sunday Salon that is someone else. I do host the Sunday Post those πŸ™‚ Good luck with both challenges, and excited you joined in!!

    1. oh Gosh! I knew that you hosted the Sunday POST since I link up to it every week. I corrected it, sorry about that!

      you’re a reading and blogging superstar! πŸ™‚ Hoping I can finish Goblet, the light at the end of the tunnel!

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