Armchair BEA

Tanya M’s posts during Armchair Book Expo of America.

What does being a "good mother" mean anyway? How has your perception changed from before to after you had kids? Moms put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perfect, to live up to our own lofty expectations. This collection of heartfelt essays from moms who have been there encourage and inspire us to give ourselves grace and helps us realistically redefine what being a "good mother" means for our family in this season of life.

Armchair BEA – My 3 Favorite Short Story Collections about Motherhood #ArmchairBEA

This week, I’m concentrating on my love of books and joining other book lovers in Armchair BEA, the online version of the Book Expo of America. Today, Armchair BEA participants are discussing stories in the short form, anthologies or novellas. Here’s the “official” writing prompt: Now it is time to give a little love to…


Summer Reading List: Giveaways won, Where do I Start and What’s on Your List?

I really enjoyed participating in the Spring Reading Challenge (which amazingly I won a prize) and checking off the list of books I planned to read.  I thought I’d make my summer reading list and catch up on these amazing books that have arrived in the mail during my streak of good luck winning several…