historical fiction

The Stolen Marriage is classic Diane Chamberlain, a historical fiction set in 1940's North Carolina during the Miracle in Hickory, she explores segregation and racial and gender discrimination in the South with characters you love, characters you despise and good people in impossible situations. An unputdownable historical fiction, great to the last page! 

The Stolen Marriage by Diane Chamberlain: Excellent Historical Fiction set in 1940’s North Carolina

Blurb: 5* – I Loved it! The Stolen Marriage is classic Diane Chamberlain, a historical fiction set in 1940’s North Carolina during the Miracle in Hickory, she explores segregation and racial and gender discrimination in the South with characters you love, characters you despise and good people in impossible situations. An unputdownable historical fiction, great…

Baby, It’s Cold Outside! Get Cozy with the Books on Our Ultimate Winter Reading List
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Baby, It’s Cold Outside! Get Cozy with the Books on Our Ultimate Winter Reading List

Need a good book to cozy up with this Christmas and winter? Check out my ultimate winter reading list and cozy up with a great book from around the world today!  Blistery cold winter days are the perfect time to cozy up with a hot cup of tea, chocolate or coffee, sit near a roaring…

#30Authors: Author Vanessa Hua Reviews Grace by Natashia Deon
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#30Authors: Author Vanessa Hua Reviews Grace by Natashia Deon

  Happy Labor Day! I love September, the cooler weather, the leaves changing colors and it’s my birthday month. My birthday month means I get to spoil myself this month which usually involves a whole lot of chocolate, coffee, planner, paper & pen goodies and of course….BOOKS! September also means it is time for #30Authors, a fabulous book…

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The Stars Over Sunset Boulevard by Susan Meissner Shines

Stars Over Sunset Boulevard is an intense and beautiful story about friendship, love and those dreams we long for. I highly recommend this book for fans of classic movies and want to get behind the scenes in 1930’s Hollywood. Synopsis:   “When an iconic hat worn by Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind ends up…

Interview with Author Susan Meissner, Stars Over Sunset Boulevard. The reader’s journey in Stars Over Sunset Boulevard is a look at what we are willing to do or become to hold onto what we can’t imagine living without.

Be Our Guest Fridays {40}: Interview with Susan Meissner, Author of Stars Over Sunset Boulevard

Do you judge a book by it’s cover? Tell the truth now, I know I do! I’m a sucker for gorgeous covers and stories set in the glamour of Old Hollywood so when I saw Stars Over Sunset Boulevard I had to know more about it. I also love getting to know authors, what inspires…