social media

The 12 Best Facebook Groups for Bloggers to Increase their Traffic and Grow their Blogs by Guest Blogger Sharing Life's Moments. These Facebook groups can help you boost your traffic and help your blog posts go viral.

12 Best Facebook Groups for Bloggers to Increase Traffic by Guest Blogger Sharing Life’s Moments

  My kids were on Spring Break last week and I did not blog… at all. I did not write blog posts, send out newsletters or schedule social media. I enjoyed every minute being present with my family and catching up on reading at the beach. BUT my blog pageviews and social media accounts tanked…

6 Ways That Social Media Stretch My Soul by Guest Blogger Lucy from Fictional 100. How social media helped this introverted author promote her book and her personal growth.
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Be Our Guest Fridays {23}: 6 Ways Social Media Stretch My Soul by Fictional 100

Welcome to Be Our Guest Fridays! My weekly Be Our Guest Fridays feature is where I showcase guest posts by my favorite bloggers and authors. I started this feature as a fun way to give back to the blogging community. I am excited to share with you these creative, inspiring and knowledgeable bloggers. Today I have…