The Best Black Friday Deals for Bloggers 2015

Best Black Friday Deals for Bloggers 2015. Save money on hosting, blogging courses, themes and plugins to make your blog rock in 2016!

I avoid retail stores for Black Friday like the plague. The craziness and rudeness of deal-hunters totally stresses me out. That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy scoring a good deal online so I’ve been hunting for the best Black Friday Deals for Bloggers and thought you might love and need these too.

Note: This post contains affiliate links as indicated by an asterisk. Purchases from these links provides a small commission to me at no extra cost to you. Thanks for supporting my blog should you decide to purchase.

Last year, the only thing I bought on Black Friday was the Plan to Eat* menu planning tool that I have LOVED. For 2016, I want to focus on making my blog looking more professional so I want to grab some courses that will help me take my blog to the next level, update my WordPress theme to make it look more professional and renew my blog hosting and domain name.  I searched for the best Black Friday Deals for bloggers and here are the ones I found so far (I’ll update as I get news of others):


Blogging Courses

I heard of Melissa’s Blog Clarity blog early in my blogging endeavor and have been a HUGE fan of hers ever since. She never fails to amaze me and give bloggers simple, practical advice. She’s a fellow NC Blogger Network Member and I love to support local small business owners who provide superb customer service. Check out her great courses that are part of her Birthday and Black Friday Sale:

Content Brew

Blog Clarity Courses

I loved the Content Brew* class I took years ago and my editorial calendar is full to the brim with ideas to write about. Content Brew is now a self-paced course which means you can take it on your own time and as it fits your schedule. Melissa updates the courses as blogging best practices and technology changes. Since we get lifetime access to the course, we can always access the newest information and get a refresher on the lessons. How awesome is that? This course definitely got my creative juices flowing with ideas I need to take my blog to the next level, now I just need the time to take me there. I highly recommend this course.

Melissa is a wonderful teacher, explaining difficult concepts in an easy to understand manner and with a bit of humor. Classes are concise and incredibly helpful with valuable printables that summarizes important information well. Melissa set up Facebook groups where we could ask her questions directly during the class and is very responsive.

GRAB YOUR DEAL: Content Brew*is $49 ($10 off) from November 23-30, 2015. Prices are going up in January, grab your deal now!

Media Kit Smash

Blog Clarity Courses

If you’re looking into making money from your blog, earning money from sponsored posts and working with brands is the way to go. The best way to differentiate your blog in a fiercely competitive environment is to have a stellar media kit to give to companies. Melissa offers a Media Kit Smash* to help you create a smashing media kit that will help you reach out to companies with confidence in your work. I have not taken this course yet but I hope to. Another self-paced course that purchasers have lifetime access to the course and any updates Melissa provides.

GRAB YOUR DEAL: Media Kit Smash* is $49 ($10 off) from November 23-30, 2015. Prices are going up in January, grab your deal now!

Themes and Plugins

Tweak Me - Anything is possible with this WordPress theme

Tweak Me Themes by Nose Graze for Self-Hosted WordPress blogs

The first version of Tweak Me* is the theme I have been using for the past year. I love being able to change things up as I search for my design style. The easy to navigate settings panel makes it a cinch to customize. No messing with customizing CSS just to change the font or color. Body text options are limited but headings can be any Google font. This theme made me realize how much I enjoy designing my own blog and making it reflect my style and personality.

I have had my eye on Tweak Me version 2* since it came out. With Tweak Me version 2, I can build my entire site from scratch, choose ANY Google font or color scheme for my headings and body text and even a different layout for each post or page to make my site truly unique. A more robust theme than Tweak Me version 1, it has a massive settings panel that is easy to navigate through.

I visit a ton of blogs as a linkup host and I began noticing the same blog designs and child themes I liked on mom and lifestyle blogs everywhere. That may be a testament to a good blog design but I want something that is as unique as my blog is, so Tweak Me version 2* will be perfect for me. Take Tweak Me 2 for a test run and try it out in demo mode before you buy it. I’m going to use it to test out my settings before they go live so my blog looks just the way I want it. I wasn’t able to take any other blog designs for a test run before buying, I think it’s good to know what you’re getting yourself into.

Choose from gorgeous and unique premade themes or create a design that is as unique as you are, since Ashley’s ENTIRE SHOP is on sale*, you’re sure to find one you’ll love! Ashley provides lifetime support on her products and is always very responsive and patient with my incessant plethora of questions. Another small business owner I highly recommend, I have been pleased with the Tweak Me theme and Ultimate Book Blogger Plugin I’ve purchased from her so far. Since I use both, they work seamlessly together.

GRAB YOUR DEAL: Shop here* and use code BLACKFRIDAY15 between November 27 and December 1st to get 50% off Tweak Me 2 and the entire store!

Ultimate Book Blogger Plugin for Self-Hosted WordPress blogs

If you review and recommend books at all on your blog, I highly recommend the Ultimate Book Blogger Plugin* (UBB). This plugin makes it simple to add a book cover, author and book info, star ratings, synopsis, affiliate links, giveaway, and blog tour info into your book review. To me, the best part is once the info is in, your review indexes are automatically updated. You can have a review index by genre, author, title or star rating using simple short codes to get the job done. It’s also easy to create giveaway pages or put giveaways in your sidebar. This plugin really has everything a book lover will need to share helpful and nicely formatted book reviews. You don’t have to take my word for it, try out UBB before you buy it.

GRAB YOUR DEAL: Shop here* and use code BLACKFRIDAY15 between November 27 and December 1st to get 50% off UBB and the entire store!

UBB Addon to Goodreads

Ultimate Book Blogger Plugin Add-On: Automatically post your book review from your blog to Goodreads
Confession: I have the UBB plugin but I keep forgetting to upload my reviews to my Goodreads account. Since Ashley’s entire shop is on sale, now is the time to invest the $5 and get this plugin so that when I post a review on my blog, it will automatically post to Goodreads. A small investment that will be a big timesaver and save me some book blogger guilt, score!

GRAB YOUR DEAL: Shop here* and use code BLACKFRIDAY15 between November 27 and December 1st to get 50% off UBB and the entire store!


New Blog Hosting

New Blog Hosting Black Friday 2015 Deal: One Year of Web Hosting $10...FOREVER!

I’m a proud member of the NC Blogger Network and I asked in the Facebook group who had great hosting. Fellow members Erin from A Parenting Production and Rachel from Fit Triangle Mom recommended New Blog Hosting as their hosting company. They both recommended owner David Allen for excellent customer service but when Rachel said he’s offering $10 for a year of hosting FOR LIFE, I said I’m in!!

We’re fortunate that David is another wonderful local small business owner, he was very patient with my nothing-is-going-right Monday ranting when I was battling Time Warner Cable to get internet hooked up properly and sign up for this deal at the same time. He stuck with my questions and frustrated mood swings and the migration is done and everything went smoothly.

GRAB YOUR DEAL: Shop here* and use code BLACKFRIDAY. Tell them Mom’s Small Victories sent you!

Grab the BEST #BlackFriday Deals for #bloggers. Huge savings on hosting, courses, & themes, oh my! Share on X

P.S. If you live in NC, JOIN the NC Blogger Network! They just announced now through Dec. 4, 2015, you can get 50% off their annual membership using the CYBERMONDAY code. I’m in the second year of my membership and have loved the exclusive Facebook group where I can collaborate and learn from other members, attended free workshops and networking opportunities and received discounts on conferences, hosting, design and more. It’s been an invaluable group to me and they have fun events and regional ambassadors all over the state. If you join, tell them Mom’s Small Victories sent you!

P.P.S. A fabulous Facebook group to join is DYOB: Beautiful hosted by Marianne from
Design Your Own Lovely Blog
Marianne is very talented, helpful in answering design questions and provides constructive feedback. She’s fostered a great community I can turn to for questions and answers regarding all things about my blog design and function, a valuable resource for any blogger. Marianne has a whole slew of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals she just announced including 40% off her Blog Beautiful book!

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  1. What an amazing selection! I never thought to look for Black Friday deals for blogging related things…I’m not sure why. I will definitely be checking these out!

    1. I got mine moved over day before yesterday. It takes a little while for site to come back up across all platforms but David did a great job. Went smoothly.

  2. Great round up. It’s not live yet but usually does deals on her online courses and she is the BOMB DOT COM for content creation and all things blogging.

    1. Thanks Janet, I hope you check out the demo of the Tweak Me 2 theme so you can design it yourself but make it more professional looking. Ashley is very responsive too so anytime I ask her how to do something, she can help me (and is a professional designer). I asked her a bunch of questions already on how to make elements I want and haven’t even bought it yet.

    1. Black Friday is this Friday, the day after Thanksgiving in the US. It’s typically a huge shipping day of deals as people get ready for Christnas. A lot if merchants heavily discount their products and services so I compiled a list of the ones that would help our blogs. Lots of great deals to take advantage of. Thanks for stopping by Ana. 🙂

    1. Yea my hosting was coming due and I knew it was time to switch. I found a great deal and then asked if the theme I wanted was going on sale and it was so the post created itself. Hope you find something useful. My hosting is switched over now, $10/year for life is a steal and David was great to work with.

    1. Great! What else is on your wishlist? With all the great deals, now is the time to shop, everything I love is going on sale. Ooh, I need to check out Tailwind and PicMonkey for sales too.

    1. Oh, now is the time to switch! The $10 hosting per year with New Blog Hosting also includes free migration from Blogger to WordPress, daily double backups and another $10/year for domain name registration. That’s a steal for getting it migrated!

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