
Travel the World in Books Readathon, Day 14 – Linkup your Wrap Up Posts


General Event Info

What our readathon is all about:

Explore countries other than the one you live in. Read as much as you can of books set in a different country or by an author from a different country. Read for your own pleasure or learning, read with your kids or both. Travel the world from the comfort of your own home and learn about different cultures. Expand your horizons and show publishers that #WeNeedDiverseBooks to promote cultural understanding and diversity in our reading. Support diverse authors and books. #TraveltheWorldinBooksRAT

Sign up – you must be signed up to be eligible to win a giveaway
Full Readathon Schedule
Book Giveaways and Prize Form page – please remember to fill out prize form so we know what you would like if you win!
Readathon Pinterest Board

Linkup Your Wrap Up Posts

If you have a blog post with your final updates or wrap up, link it up here.

Feedback Form

Our Readathon officially ends tomorrow, September 14, 2014 at 11:59pm EST. Please complete the feedback form and let us know what you enjoyed about the event and what you’d like to see for future events. We hope you’ve enjoyed the event as much as Savvy Working Gal, Lost in Books and I have!

Giveaways and Prize Form

We hope you’ve entered the giveaways! We have 33 copies of 19 books from around the world and 2 of them are great for your kids! There is something for everyone, a great mix of mystery, women’s fiction, nonfiction and from lots of different countries.

Remember to fill out the prize form so that we know what you’d like to win!

Join the Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge

The fun does not have to end today, sign up for our full Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge. Set your own timeline, goals and countries you’d like to read about. You choose your own adventure in our no-stress challenge. Participants can link up their book reviews by continent to share their recommendations with other readers and you can pin your posts to our Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge Pinterest Board.

Thanks so much for joining our first Readathon! We hope you’ve enjoyed it and will join us again for future events and chats!

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  1. Thank you for hosting this read-a-thon 🙂 You all did a great job!

    And I just might join the Travel the World in Books Challenge. Haven’t decided yet. But, with all the books sitting on my shelf unread, it just might be the thing to push me & remind me to pick them up 😉

    1. Thanks Aleksandra, your kind words mean so much to me. Well of course, I hope you join our challenge. There’s no pressure, you set your own goals and how long you want to complete it. My favorite part is the linkups by continent so we can all get good recommendations from around the world. You’re lucky you live in Macedonia, so many books qualify for the challenge 🙂 Taking out the US eliminates probably half my TBR.

  2. Tanya, I can’t thank you and the girls enough for hosting this wonderful readathon and the challenge too! It’s been a fun and very productive two weeks. I am crossing my fingers that this year’s success means there’s another readathon next year? 😉

    1. You are certainly welcome Aloi, I am so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for hosting a terrific mini-challenge! Yes, I do hope we can make this an annual event and I hope Savvy and Becca want to continue to co-host with me. Keep up the great work!

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