
Travel the World in Books Readathon Day 7-Weekly Progress Linkup and Take Me Away: Europe Edition


General Event Info

What our readathon is all about:

Explore countries other than the one you live in. Read as much as you can of books set in a different country or by an author from a different country. Read for your own pleasure or learning, read with your kids or both. Travel the world from the comfort of your own home and learn about different cultures. Expand your horizons and show publishers that #WeNeedDiverseBooks to promote cultural understanding and diversity in our reading. Support diverse authors and books. #TraveltheWorldinBooksRAT

Sign up – you must be signed up to be eligible to win a giveaway
Full Readathon Schedule
Book Giveaways and Prize Form page – please remember to fill out prize form so we know what you would like if you win!
Readathon Pinterest Board

Linkup This Week’s Progress

Whether you read one page or 100, share your progress or any Readathon related posts in our linkup or in the comments below. Tell us if you completed the mini-challenges, participated in the Facebook chat, the bloggers you met, and your goals for next week! Linkup will stay open until September 12, 2014 at 11:55pm.

Linkup Your Instagram Account

Next week, we’ll be having a Spine Poetry Mini-Challenge and a Book Scavenger Hunt Mini-Challenge. Pictures can be shared on Instagram to complete these challenges using the #TraveltheWorldinBooksRAT hashtag. Be sure to link up your Instagram account so we can follow each other. This linkup will close on September 14, 2014 at 11:59pm (the official end of the readathon).

Linkup Your Twitter Account

We’ll be having a Twitter chat on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 from 9-10pm EST. Linkup your Twitter account to connect with Readathon participants.

Co-Host Becca from Lost in Books Takes us Away to Europe


I’ve been enjoying Becca’s Take Me Away Series, how about you? I can always use book recommendations to help me on my travel around the world in books. She’s already taken us to Africa and Asia, and today she takes us through Europe. Be sure to check out her post and share your recommendations with us too!

How has your Readathon week been going? We hope you’ve been enjoying it as much as we have! What book recommendations do you have for North, South and Latin Americas?

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  1. Thanks for your efforts to create these delightful daily updates, Tanya! I really look forward to them.

    This Readathon has given me a boost to get going and accomplish some things on my newest blog, Northern Lights Reading Project. I actually *finished* a book (haha), Daughter of Fire: A Portrait of Iceland, and linked my review here. I made a good start (first few chapters) on the autobiography of Hans Christian Andersen–my second week’s reading will focus on that. I was also happy to finish compiling my master reading list for Northern Lights in literature, history, biography, travel, and food categories. I posted the Literature Reading List http://northernlightsreading.com/project-reading-lists/literature/ and plan to finish up the others for the Readathon WrapUp.

    I have one Readathon project on The Fictional 100 blog–I started a Google map of 100 Fictional characters: Hamlet in Elsinore, Denmark; Don Quixote in La Mancha, Spain; Genji in Kyoto, Japan; and so on–it’s great fun to see the geographic spread. I’ll try to finish this up too for next week.

    I enjoyed the Facebook chat very much and met Jan Moran, who also did a nice interview here with Tanya! I’ve enjoyed visiting Becca’s Take Me Away posts of diverse reading ideas by continent, and meeting new kindred-spirit book fanatics. It’s been good for pulling me out of my little reading corner to chat, learn, and get so many good ideas from the breadth of reading you all are doing! Thanks!

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