
Travel the World in Books Readathon, Day 9-Spine Poetry Mini-Challenge with Lost in Books


General Event Info

What our readathon is all about:

Explore countries other than the one you live in. Read as much as you can of books set in a different country or by an author from a different country. Read for your own pleasure or learning, read with your kids or both. Travel the world from the comfort of your own home and learn about different cultures. Expand your horizons and show publishers that #WeNeedDiverseBooks to promote cultural understanding and diversity in our reading. Support diverse authors and books. #TraveltheWorldinBooksRAT

Sign up – you must be signed up to be eligible to win a giveaway
Full Readathon Schedule
Book Giveaways and Prize Form page – please remember to fill out prize form so we know what you would like if you win!
Readathon Pinterest Board – add your readathon posts to our week 1 linkup to get pinned

Spine Poetry Mini-Challenge from Lost in Books


Today, my co-host Becca from Lost in Books is hosting a Spine Poetry Mini-Challenge. Create a poem from your favorite book titles from around the world and share it on her blog comments or in Instagram. A fun and easy mini-challenge to create your own poetry. Stop by her Spine Poetry Mini-Challenge post for all the details and join in the fun.

Linkup your blog Facebook page

Today’s linkup is for your blog Facebook page. Leave your link and follow the others as a way to connect. To help engagement and exposure on Facebook, I also started a Book Lovers Boost Group on Facebook. Every day, feel free to share a book-related Facebook post you’d like others to like, comment or share to improve how many people see your Facebook posts. Send a request if you’d like to join.

Be sure to stop by our other social media linkups for this week and add your links:
Weekly Progress to be pinned, Instagram and Twitter Linkups
Pinterest Linkup

Last week’s Facebook chat

Last week we chatted on my Facebook page about why we need diverse books and our favorite recommendations from around the world. In case you missed it, here are the links to each question. See what our participants and authors Jan Moran and Renita d’Silva had to say, add your comments on Facebook or below to continue the conversation. There are some great book and author recommendations that came out of this chat!

Introduce yourself, give us your blog URL or tag your FB page if you have one.
Question 1: What are you currently reading and where does it take place? What made you choose this book?
Question 2: What’s one thing that surprised you about the country/culture you are reading about? What about the country/culture did not surprise you?
Question 3: Have you heard about the ‪#‎WeNeedDiverseBooks‬ Campaign? You can read more about it here: http://weneeddiversebooks.org
What does “diversity” in books mean to you? Does it refer to book’s location or subject matter? Or is it the author’s nationality or background?
Question 4: How do you think we can encourage more diversity in books? How do you think we can encourage more diversity in kids’ books?
Question 5: What events are you a part of or participating in that help encourage diversity in adult and/or kids’ books?
Question 6: We all enjoy promoting diversity in books and learning about different cultures, that’s why we’re here in the Travel the World in Books Readathon. Now it’s time to talk about your favorite books from around the world!
What countries/cultures do you tend to enjoy or read about most? (Thanks to Becca from Lost in Books for the question in our Book Bloggers Do it Better Google + Group.)
Question 7: Who are your favorite international authors? Which books have you read? ‪
Question 8: Which countries would you like to visit in real life?
Question 9: What countries would you most like to read about? If you’ve got recommendations for a country someone else mentions, please give them.
Question 10: What have you enjoyed the most so far during this readathon?
Question 11: What else would you like to see for this or future events? Suggestions are welcome! ‪


Be sure to stop by the Giveaways page and enter to win one of 33 books being given away. We have mystery, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, YA and nonfiction for both kids and adults. There is something you are sure to love! Giveaways close September 14, 2014 at 11:59pm, the official end of the readathon.

Where in the world are you reading now? What’s your favorite social media outlet? What have you enjoyed most about the Readathon so far?

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  1. Busy day! Catching up on work, but wanted to stop by before calling it a day. 🙂 Will check out the spine poetry creations at Lost in Books tomorrow too. And thanks for the Facebook linkup here and FB group reminder. Despite working on other things today, I did manage to start a new Readathon book, a Swedish detective mystery called The Laughing Policeman, reading pages while waiting for a document to scan.

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