
Wordless Wednesday: Beautiful Butterfly

wordless wednesday butterfly 8-6-13


When it has rained and the playgrounds are all wet, we take nice walks around the neighborhood to get outside. We have not noticed too many butterflies lately so it is a real treat to come across one of such beauty.  One of our neighbors has 3 or 4 huge butterfly bushes and one day there were about 10 huge butterflies fluttering around it.  Now when kids are reluctant to walk, I ask them if they want to go find the butterflies at the butterfly bush and they can’t wait to see who we meet.

Linking up with Create with Joy for Wordless Wednesday.

What are your outdoor just after the rain activities? What photos have you shared for Wordless Wednesday? Be sure to leave me a link to your post so I can stop by!

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    1. I bet you could grow it in a container, just a small one. I am surprised how much the butterflies and hummingbirds love the Thai basil I have in containers on my deck. It has pretty purple flowers that looks kind of like lavender and I had never seen a hummingbird before I planted the Thai basil. I planted it last year and didn’t think it would come back so planted something else in its place this year. Now because of the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, 4 of the containers are filled with Thai Basil. I love how pretty it is and fragrant to use in cooking too! Thanks for stopping by!

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